
May 15, 2002

Am I really white trash?

From time to time I've been attacked via letters to the editor, often because I'd written something intelligent and thoughtful, but differing from the letter writer's point of view. It goes with the territory when you write columns of opinion. Last week, however, was the first time in memory I've been called "white trash." A person of indeterminate gender, one "M. Mallow", favored me with that. "M" considers Pacifica a haven for white trash, including me, and perhaps you, gentle Try and gag me and I'll hate you for it.

Mallow didn't make it clear what I'd written that validates the term "close-minded" in his/her mind. Evidently columnists qualify as open-minded only if they happen to agree with folks like Mallow. And the close-minded are just trash, presumably not to be admired or emulated. Kind of intimidating, isn't it, gentle reader, if you've ever happened to agree with me. You too can be close minded. You, too, may be "trash."so. Try and gag me and I'll hate you for it.

Then there's Amy Hoffman, whom I had the bad judgment to disagree with by name in a column discussing the dangers and messes brought about by the conduct and the droppings of large loose dogs. I was responding, in turn, to her letter, which commented negatively on my first column about loose Try and gag me and I'll hate you for it.

Amy thinks I'm more dangerous than any dogs she knows, presumably including any Presa Canarios. She says I should be leashed and muzzled. I'm a danger to the community because I hold ideas that differ from hers, and, worse, I chose to express them Try and gag me and I'll hate you for it.

I'll give Hoffman and Mallow credit. They put their opinions on paper and shared them with Tribune readers. Wrongheaded though they are, I admire them at least for Try and gag me and I'll hate you for it.

Readers can sort out for themselves whether they agree or disagree with what I write. I can take even vitriolic responses to my columns, if they come in the form of letters to the editor, or e mails or letters to me. One particular kind of person, though, scares Try and gag me and I'll hate you for it.

He or she would act subtly, by persuading the publisher not to print this column. Other Pacificans, and perhaps I myself, might not even be aware it had happened. I'd be gagged and silenced. Censorship! Stifling! It's the scariest Try and gag me and I'll hate you for it.

Through the years I've written a lot of columns. Some readers get angry when I voice an opinion with which they happen to disagree. The better I argue, the angrier they get. When I push for handgun control, it seems to affect the hormones of some local men. Testosterone and handgun control don't mix Try and gag me and I'll hate you for it.

Unregistered guns, dangerous dogs on the loose, noisy motorcycles, an overabundance of open space untaxed and underutilized, each subject has folks who passionately defend its particular cause. If I defend the Snowy Plover on Pacifica State Beach, I annoy the lovers of large loose dogs. If I criticize a pet project favored by some so-called environmentalists, I'll annoy that fraction of the population. Endorse native plants and Eucalyptus lovers rise up in anger. If I criticize G.W. Bush, as I do from time to time, there go the Republicans. If I say there's too much untaxed, government owned open space in Pacifica (more than half the city fits that description) another group comes unglued. I guess I'm just an equal opportunity annoyance. Don't criticize the Tribune's publisher. My opinions are my own. Write to disagree if you like, and I'll defend your right to do so. Try and gag me and I'll hate you for it.

Paul Azevedo's opinions are his own, and can be disputed via E mail to Check his website at

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